As much as configuring your Comfast repeater is important, placement is equally significant. If you perform Comfast setup in the wrong location, you are going to experience poor network connectivity and speed. Is that what you installed Comfast range repeater for? We guess not! That is why you need to choose the right location for the range extender placement.
Can’t think about anything? Well, if that is the case, you should get through the points given below. This will be your perfect guide to the Comfast WiFi range extender placement. Keep reading.
Comfast WiFi Extender Placement Tips
Central Location
Enough with the corner placement of your range extender! It won’t serve the purpose for which you installed the device. Rather, most WiFi signals will go in vain because you can’t access them in the corner. Thus, choose the central location in your house.
Why central? Well, the Comfast WiFi extender transmits signals in every direction. If the device is located in a corner, most signals will hit the wall. But, in the central place, no matter where you access them, the signals will be easily accessible.
Higher Ground
This tip is a little personalized depending on the house type you have. In case you have a single floor, you should set the device in a higher place. It does mean you need to locate the device closer to the ceiling. Rather, it should be at the same level as your wireless devices.
However, if you have to cover the basement or the first floor, you need to change the Comfast WiFi extender setup process. To cover the basement, place the device on the floor. In case the first floor should be covered, locate it closer to the ceiling.
No Windows
Many users think windows offer better WiFi signal transmission. However, that is not the case. Rather, the opposite is true. The placement of the Comfast WiFi range extender closer to a window can result in the loss of precious WiFi signals.
Therefore, you need to change the extender placement nearby a window. WiFi signals moving out of the window move out of the reach of the devices having access to the repeater network. Therefore, it is of no use to anyone. So, never place the device closer to a window if you want to have the best WiFi network.
Avoid Electronic Gadgets
Heavy electronic gadgets emit electromagnetic waves. These are similar to the WiFi signals emitted by the Comfast WiFi range extender. Hence, there will be a clash between the wireless frequencies emitted from different devices.
You have two options. First, you should change the range repeater placement. Or, you can change the frequency of your Comfast WiFi range extender. To do that, you should do Comfast login and shift WiFi bands from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz.
Move Away From Metal/Mirrors
Metal objects put a barrier to the free transmission of Comfast WiFi range extender signals. Also, mirrors and other reflexive surfaces further hamper the WiFi signal transmission. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful while placing the range extender.
For the best internet experience, you need to ensure there are no metal objects surrounding the extender. Also, mirrors should not be there as well. All these can result in poor WiFi reception, connection, and speed.
Closer to Router
What if your Comfast WiFi extender is not in the range of your router? It is true for several users. They were so focused on Comfast WiFi range repeater placement that they forgot to keep the device in the router’s range. As a result, the extender gets either poor or no WiFi signals.
Thus, you can mend that by bringing back devices closer to each other. When the extender is in the router’s proximity, you get the most WiFi signals. So, keep that in mind during range repeater placement.
Sum Up
As you can see, Comfast WiFi range extender placement has to be taken care of. Without proper care, you might end up doing the wrong placement. So, get through the points given in this post so that you have the least idea of how to set up your repeater. With that, you can stay rest assured that you get the best WiFi network range and speed.
Make sure the extender is not too close to the router as well. We hope you got the idea of how to place your repeater. Further, if needed, use an extension cord if there is no power socket available.